
Contact us!


Contact us!

RTK-Henkilöstöpalvelu is your specialist in human resources providing you with local and personal services.

In RTK-Henkilöstöpalvelu, we get excited when we find the perfect job opportunities for our applicants and the most suitable professionals for our client companies. And how do we do it? Quickly, reliably and competently.

Contact us


Kuninkaankatu 3 C 1, 26100 Rauma

Juha Pesola

Managing Director
Puh. 040 307 5105

Mikko Heickell

Business Manager, International recruitment
Puh. 040 833 2588

Satu Saaristo

Account Manager
Puh. 044 412 4242

Juha-Pekka Turtiainen

Business Manager, Pirkanmaa and Varsinais-Suomi
Puh. 040 484 2264


You can also reach us by email! All email addresses follow the form firstname.lastname@rtkhenkilostopalvelu.fi


International recruitment

Mikko Heickell

Business Manager, International recruitment
Puh. 040 833 2588

Aleksandra Nenakhova

International recruitment specialist
Puh. 044 4125 486


You can also reach us by email! All email addresses follow the form firstname.lastname@rtkhenkilostopalvelu.fi


Recruitment Services

Timo Riissanen

Director, Recruitment Services
Puh. 045 231 2399


Click a city on the map to view local contact information.


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